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Saving Face: Respiratory device related pressure injury prevention

Denise Lauderbaugh, MPH, BSRT, RRT, RRT-NPS

Vicki Haugen, MPH, BSN, RN, CWOCN



Medical devices have been considered a risk factor for development of pressure injuries, with as many as 30% to 70% of medical device–related pressure injuries resulting from respiratory equipment. This webinar will provide an overview of skin pressure injury including causes, stages of injury, and prevention interventions and with attention to both traditional pressure injury as well as medical device-related injury. With a focus on respiratory devices, this webinar will discuss the cost of pressure injuries to the hospital and to the patient, respiratory device-related bundle elements for all respiratory devices, review the most commonly occurring respiratory device injuries and the locations on the face, and review the NIPPV specific interventions we can use to protect patients. Discussion on pressure ulcers related to proning will be addressed.


Learning Objectives

At the end of this educational session attendees will be able to identify:

  1. Respiratory device pressure injury bundle elements

  2. The relationship between patient mask leak and pressure injuries

  3. Define pressure injury causes and stages

  4. Discuss types of skin injury and prevention tips

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